Online Assessment Tools
These are the assessment tools that we ask parents to complete at the start and end of therapy. They help us to evaluate the impact we have on families. We give families easy access to these forms via electronic links.
Strengths & Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ)
The Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ) is a brief emotional and behavioural screening questionnaire for children and young people. The tool can capture the perspective of children and young people, their parents and teachers. The 25 items in the SDQ comprise 5 scales of 5 items each.
Parental Stress Index (PSI-4)
Designed to evaluate the magnitude of stress in the parent–child system, the fourth edition of the popular PSI is a 120-item inventory that focuses on three major domains of stress: child characteristics, parent characteristics, and situational/demographic life stress.
Features and benefits
Commonly used as a diagnostic or screening measure to evaluate the parenting system.
Helps identify at-risk or problem areas in the child's or parent's behavior.
Two domain scores and 13 subscales facilitate both treatment planning in relation to problem areas and the evaluation of the effectiveness of interventions.
Useful in family system evaluations such as custody evaluations or at-risk for dysfunctional parenting.